Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Singapore, Photos Upload 1

Light Up Along Esplanade Bridge For F1, Nite Race

Esplanade - Theatres By The Bay

Marina Bay Sands

Marina Bay Financial Centre

Lantern Deco for Mooncake Festival, Esplanade

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Milan, Italy - Photos Upload 1

Day 1 - Breakfast @ City Life, Cafe &
 Restaurant - Lasagna & Cappuccino

Hotel Stay @ Sanpi (4*)

Milano Centrale Railway Station 

Milano Centrale Railway Station - interior

City Shot 1
City Shot 2

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Milan,Day 1

It's 6am now in Milan, Italy.
Just got up and had a Good night's rest.
(head is still spinning though)
Was a hectic 12 hours flight from 
Singapore to Milan.

Very nice weather here, 
temperature from 25 deg (max) to 15 deg (min).

For now, need to catch up with office emails and do some reading.


Monday, September 13, 2010

FAT @ Milan, Italy

Going on Business Trip to Milan, Italy.
From today till Saturday.
Having Butteflies in the stomach now.
Cause this is the first trip I am going with
a team that I've not met before.
Hopefully, can make some friendz.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Xbox360 Halo Reach Limited Edition Console

Ordered the limited edition Xbox360 slim Halo Reach Console from
my regular gameshop @ Tampines One.
Inpluse buy?
Not really..been wanting to get one to play Halo 3, Gears of Wars 1 and 2,
Due to the red- ring of death issue, been holding on till now.
Looks like a GOOD BUY, so..
Impluse buy.
Will arrive in SGP n3xt week..