Sunday, July 15, 2012

It's been a while..since i blogged..busy busy busy..
hey..I've gone green..why? cos i'm into the HULK lately..
no thanks to the Avengers movie HULK..

Friday, March 11, 2011

Black or White

Pokemon Black


Pokemon White

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Killzone 3 - Helghast Edition

Got It Just..After Alot of Pondering..
The Helghast helmet is overwheming..
Action Figure feels alittle "oily"..
The disc is housed in a steel case..
Ask me..Worth it la..for now..

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Finally, got these....
Every Chinese New Year, I'm the unofficial
entertainer..Ahem..sorry, not really entertaining
with a song or dance but every year will be
bring me good old PS3 to me mum's plc for the
kids, adults, kid-adults and adult kids to play..
It was Guitar Hero back then last year,,
This year, why not a change, thats why the
PS Move ..moved in..
Haven't got the hangs out of playing yet..
Hope the kids like it..

PS Move with Sports Champions Bundle

Dead Space 2

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Current Fav Cheese - Livarot

Livarot is one of the oldest cheeses in Normandie. The cheese has five bands of rush leaves that encircle it, that prevent the cheese from collapsing during maturation. The five bands represent the five stripes of a colonel's uniform. As such, the cheese is also known as the Colonel. Livarot is colored reddish-orange with the natural taint of rocou, a South American plant. This makes the rind smooth and brilliant. Depending on the length of maturation, the pte is golden yellow with a taste that is perfumed and slightly piquant. It has a strong odour and full flavor.